
Businesses operate within a complex web of contractual language. At RBC, we assist you through every step of the process, including drafting, reviewing, and enforcing business contracts.

When drafting a contract, consider the following:

  • Mapping out all possibilities, including contingency plans for worst-case scenarios.

  • Producing contracts with clear and concise language to reduce ambiguities.

Tips for writing a contract:

  • Avoid legal jargon (legalese) and write in plain, understandable language. Ensure that every term and condition is clearly defined.

  • Clearly state how the contract can be amended or modified, including the need for written consent from all parties.

  • Define the conditions under which the contract can be terminated, including notice periods and any penalties for early termination.

  • Get it in writing. Contracts are most powerful in written form.

  • Include confidentiality clauses to protect your business practices and trade secrets from being shared by other parties.

  • Include mediation and arbitration clauses.

  • Reference any additional documents that are part of the contract, such as appendices, exhibits, or schedules, and ensure they are clearly labeled and attached.

  • Specify which state's laws will govern the contract. This is particularly important if the parties are located in different states or countries.

Our review process includes:

  • Identifying ambiguities

  • Ensuring compliance with local and federal regulations

  • Assessing and informing potential liabilities

  • Modifying contractual terms

Don't leave your business contracts to chance. We can help protect your interests.